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Love Always Perseveres: Being an Advocate for Your Child

Today, we heard a wonderful message from Raquelle Harris on how we can embrace the journey of intentionally supporting/advocating for our children.  If you missed it or would like to hear it again, please click HERE.

Elle shared a powerful Bible verse that we can pray for our children: Colossians 1:9-12

The definition of advocate is a person who pleads on someone else's behalf.
Raquelle believes that the three places we need to be comfortable advocating are:

1) HOME:
  • Make one-on-one time for yourself and each of your kids.
  • Regularly talk with your spouse about the attitudes, tendencies, and behaviors of your children.
  • Set aside time for PRAISE.  Show your child that you are their #1 fan.
  • Be interested: follow along with their lives, in and on every path.
     Remind your children that: "I will fight WITH you sometimes.....but FOR YOU always!!"

  • Ask your child specific questions about their day that they cannot easily answer.
  • Set up conferences/calls with your child's teacher and ask them difficult questions.
  • Believe your children as often as motherly possible.  Build the trust relationship.
  • Control who and what your children are exposed to, even at the risk of others' judgement.
  • Be intentional about the way you speak to anyone around your children, especially when you're talking about them and they can hear you.
  • Don't be afraid to stand up for matter what!
   It is important to have friends who will hold you accountable in your parenting.  And it isn't necessarily a bad thing to be convicted once in awhile, because it keeps you on track.

Raquelle finished her talk by sharing Romans 8:37, which we can view as our "call to fight"!!

If you would like to follow Raquelle, you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, & Linked In, or at her blog/website.

Raquelle has also written a beautiful children's book that you can purchase HERE.