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Be Renewed

Our meeting last week was all about Easter (even though it was really St. Patrick's Day.... ha ha)!!

Rachel Inouye spoke to us about the true message of Easter, which is HOPE!  She had us repeat the following phrase throughout the morning:
  "I will NOT fear; instead I WILL have hope!!"

She shared that there has never been a bigger problem than a dead Savior/Jesus....
Yet even that was NO problem for our great God!
He can roll away any "stone" in our lives!!

Our world is broken.
God sent Jesus to fix/heal that brokenness.
God's grace is available to ALL....
Jesus died ONCE for ALL!
The open and empty tomb is HOPE!!!

To listen to Rachel's encouraging message of HOPE, click HERE.

Please join us at our next meeting on April 21st to learn tips on parenting challenges and how to handle a strong-willed child.

Have a VERY Happy Easter!