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The One Who Loves their Children is Careful to Discipline Them: Positive Parenting

Moms of Influence is off to a great start.  It has been so great to see all of the changes and new faces in our group.   At our Kick Off meeting, we played a fun icebreaker, made a craft, and learned more about our theme, Relentless Love.

At our next meeting, Pat Quinn shared some wonderful parenting advice.  If you would like to hear his talk, click HERE.  The outline/notes from his presentation are below.  

Four Variables:
  • Modeling - SHOW and think out loud
  • Self Esteem - give descriptive praise and be interested!!!
  • Risk Taking - encourage kids to try different things and allow them to quit
  • Control - offering choices and letting them feel a sense of control!
Do NOT start sentences with "You" and "Why".
Instead, start sentences with "I" and "What".

Three Steps to Positive Discipline: View yourself as a "teacher", not a disciplinarian
  • Step 1: Tell WHAT child is doing wrong
  • Step 2: Tell child WHY it is wrong 
  • Step 3: Give substitute behavior
If - Then Statements: punishment shouldn't surprise or scare  kids.  You MUST follow through on the "then" statement.

Mistakes to Avoid:
  • Distance
  • Audience
  • Promises
  • Starting too Deep
  • Regression (normal part of development; don't punish, just wait)
The only two things parents should do are: Praise and Teach!!!