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April 5: Lithium Battery: Leaders Keep Going and Going and Going....

Today's meeting was our annual Leadership Tea, a morning where we celebrate and recognize the importance of the moms in our group.  This year's tea was all about those inspiring and influential moments and people in our lives.  We also celebrated the influence that we have in our families, with our children, and with other friends/moms we come in contact with.  
Another important and exciting moment was the announcement that Northbrook is launching a NEW ministry for preschool moms.  Starting in September, we will be........

For more information about this new ministry, please click HERE.  We are currently accepting registration forms for next year (starting September 2011).  
The bulk of our morning consisted of powerful testimonies from a number of our steering team members.  These women shared about influential people and moments in their lives.  We finished up our morning with a slide show set to the song "Who You Are" by Hilary Weeks and the presentation of a "Moms of Influence" cake!