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March 1: Platinum Best: Women's Health

Though the title of today's program was "Women's Health", it was more focused on women's emotional and mental health.  No doubt we all struggle (or have struggled) with various emotional issues, so we were fortunate to have Sarah Reik, a licensed professional counselor, woman, Christian and mom speak with us candidly about some of our most pressing emotional challenges.  Sarah owns Trinity Counseling Services, LLC and specializes in Christian counseling, using the truth of God's Word to help hurting people. She works with individuals, couples, and families dealing with such issues as depression, anxiety, relationship problems, money management, job loss, struggling marriages, divorce recovery, adolescent issues, and stress management.

MOPS moms had submitted questions and topics prior to today's meeting for Sarah to prepare and discuss.  Some of the issues covered were:
  • engaging an unwilling spouse in counseling,
  • struggling with marital intimacy,
  • grieving the loss of a child,
  • identifying depression (postpartum or otherwise) in self or others,
  • supporting an unemployed spouse.
As moms, we often think we should be able to "do it all".  Through Sarah's candid discussion, we were reminded that it's OK to ask for help, we don't have to do it all, and we are not alone.  There is no shame in seeking counseling.
What better way to care for our family if we first take care of our spiritual, emotional and mental health!