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November 2: Helium: The Lighter Side of Parenting

Today, our speaker shared three very important thoughts about/for moms.  
1. You are valuable:
  Eric kept referring to Psalm 127:3, which states, "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him."
  He made the point that God trusts you and values you enough to give you the gift of your children.  
  He said that if you were to add up the monetary value of all you do as a mom (housekeeper, nanny, driver, laundry, dishwasher, events coordinator, etc, etc), you would make $125,900 a year!! 
  However, as a mom, we are most often paid with the kisses, hugs, and affection we get from our children. 

2. You are treasured:
   Eric showed us a bunch of the "treasures" he has received from his children, including handmade crafts, little notes/cards, drawings, etc.  These are the things that should be held onto and treasured.  
   He shared that a study found that teenagers admit that parents are still the biggest influence in their life.  So, we are treasured and valued by our children.

3. Treasure your role as a mom and the time you have with your children:
Eric's wife, Michelle, shared a devotional about being a busy, stressed out mom.  This devotional compared the daily tasks of motherhood to stringing beads.  You spend time stringing the beads only to have them all "fall off" again at the end of the day.
   She told us that at times we should take a break from the cleaning and chores to spend some one-on-one time with our kids (coloring, playing, being silly, just enjoying our time together). 
   We need to seek out God's plan and agenda for our children and families.  Hear God say, "by serving these little ones, you are serving me".  
   Try not to get so wrapped up in the "stuff" that you forget what's really important.
   Finally, find ways to let God impact your life and your family.  One practical tip that Michelle shared was this: When she is ironing, instead of grumbling and complaining about doing a task she hates, she chooses to ask God to bless the person whose clothes she is ironing.  What an interesting and different perspective!

Remember, that you are TREASURED and VALUABLE!!!!  Take some time today to enjoy your little ones....we all know they grow up too fast!!