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You are welcome to join our group at any time. Please register at the Welcome Table!
You are welcome to join our group at any time. Please register at the Welcome Table!
After a 4 month break, it was so nice to see all of you again! We had a wonderful morning together for our 2010-2011 MOPS kick-off. The morning began with a funny skit, put on by members of the steering team, which introduced the MOMology theme. As we enjoyed a nice breakfast, served right at our tables, there were some brief announcements and introductions. Then, the co-coordinators of our group lead us in an exploration of "Boredom Busters". They shared a "recipe" for home-made bubbles and then we all got a chance to make our own "ice cream in a bag". Following a brief talk about motherhood and the impact/importance of MOPS, we were dismissed to our small group time, where we got a chance to meet our new Discussion Group Leaders, Mentors, and the fellow moms in our group. Join us again on October 5th, when we will make a fabulous craft and hear about healthy eating! Oh, and join us for a picnic lunch following our morning's program! See you there!