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You are welcome to join our group at any time. Please register at the Welcome Table!

2010 - 2011 MOPS

 In 2010, MOPS invites you to join in the learning process as together we explore Momology: The Art and Science of Mothering.
Mothering is both art and science.  It combines all of who we are to shape healthy, resilient kids.  Mothering is so complex it requires both sides of our brain - not to mention our hands and feet, eyes and ears, mouth and (sniff, sniff) unfortunately, sometimes even our noses!
There's the scientific side of mothering where we develop a hypothesis based on certain principles, test that hypothesis in real-time, consider the results and decide what parts worked and what parts didn't.  We keep refining our hypotheses until we find what works for us.
Intertwined with the scientific, mothering requires an artistry that shades with our personality, colors with our unique gifts, and blends past and current experiences.
Northbrook MOPS is so excited to kick-off our theme on Tuesday, September 21st @ 9:15 am.  To see this year's speaker schedule, click on this link (2010-2011 Speaker Schedule).  If you are interested in joining our group, you can download a registration form by clicking on this link (Registration Form).  You can also register at the "door".  Hope to see you at MOPS this year!!