Today, the Robertson's shared some thoughts on marriage. They shared about God's original design for our marriages and how things changed due to "the fall"/man's sinful choice. Man's sinful choice in the Garden of Eden set up the struggles and conflicts that we face in marriage today. You can listen to today's talk, by clicking HERE.
Here are some key points from a hand out we received at the end of today's talk:
3 Skills for HEALTHY Relationships:
1. Speak Up: Say what you want and be assertive
2. Listen with empathy and care
3. Negotiate: Find solutions to problems that work for US
Steps for Problem Solving:
1. Clearly define the problem
2. Write the result you want. If the problem were solved, what would be different.
3. Together, list ALL possible solutions to get the result.
4. Review the list together and choose one you both think will work.
5. Each decides what they will do to contribute to making the solution work and commits to doing it.
6. Follow-up in a couple of weeks to see how it is working.