What a wonderful Christmas celebration we had this morning! It was so nice to take a little break from the busyness of December and all the Christmas planning, shopping, baking, etc & just enjoy some time with friends/fellow moms. Our speaker looked at the Christmas story from Mary's perspective and shared that the Lord is always with us, that NOTHING is impossible with God, and that He has a good plan for our lives. If you missed it you can listen to Karen's talk by clicking HERE. You can view the outline and discussion questions HERE.
We hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please plan to join us on January 20th for Spa Day - a morning of fun and pampering!!!!
To view the Northbrook Church website, click HERE
You are welcome to join our group at any time. Please register at the Welcome Table!
You are welcome to join our group at any time. Please register at the Welcome Table!
Be Peaceful
Today's speaker talked about "Imperfect Peace" and touched on the issue of sibling rivalry.
Here is a link to her talk: Imperfect Peace
3 things to remember during times of tension/rivalry:
1) Avoid "Bite You Back" Moments - Try to never say anything you'll have to bite back later.
2) Be "Intentional About Attention" - Most conflict comes from attention-seeking behavior. Your children want to know that: you hear them, you see them, you CHOOSE them.
3) Try to "Power Under" in situations - The quickest way to de-escalate a situation is to NOT buy into the chaos!
Practical Solutions to Everyday Rivalries
Here is a link to her talk: Imperfect Peace
3 things to remember during times of tension/rivalry:
1) Avoid "Bite You Back" Moments - Try to never say anything you'll have to bite back later.
2) Be "Intentional About Attention" - Most conflict comes from attention-seeking behavior. Your children want to know that: you hear them, you see them, you CHOOSE them.
3) Try to "Power Under" in situations - The quickest way to de-escalate a situation is to NOT buy into the chaos!
Practical Solutions to Everyday Rivalries
- Try to be LESS serious sometimes...play, relax, relate
- Make them write a list of "What I Love About You" to their sibling
- Have a "substitute" conversation of what could have been said, instead of what was said
- Admit when you lost your cool and put yourself in a "mommy time-out" so that they see the beauty in your honesty.
- Play games of affirmation. Tell what each member of the family is: loved for, remembered for, admired for or how they are unique.
- Give your kids a common goal to work toward so they have to be a "team"
- Have parent/child date days.
- Don't go it alone. Have family meetings and make your children responsible for coming up with some solutions to the rivalries that come about.
Be Savvy
Today's speaker, a financial planner, helped us gain some perspective on money and how to plan for our future.
We learned that stewardship is how we relate to the time, talents, and treasures that God has blessed us with. And that money is only a TOOL to accomplish the things that are truly important.
The number one tip for financial planning is to:
Investing is a long term goal/plan.
It is not a game/hobby/competition to be won.
We need to keep the long term goal in mind. There may be "bumps" and detours along the way. Just keep asking: "Are we making progress towards our GOAL?"
We should consider what God is asking us to do with what we have.
Also, practice contentment instead of always wanting more (or better) things.
When you do invest, the KEY is to DIVERSIFY. You want to find just the right investment mix (asset allocation). Do not put all of your money into one stock/investment; that is too RISKY. Also, do not buy into all the advertising. You want to have about 30-50 different investments and they just have to be above average investments.
If you have more questions or are interested in working with a financial planner, I will be posting our speaker's contact info on our Facebook group's timeline.
We learned that stewardship is how we relate to the time, talents, and treasures that God has blessed us with. And that money is only a TOOL to accomplish the things that are truly important.
The number one tip for financial planning is to:
Investing is a long term goal/plan.
It is not a game/hobby/competition to be won.
We need to keep the long term goal in mind. There may be "bumps" and detours along the way. Just keep asking: "Are we making progress towards our GOAL?"
We should consider what God is asking us to do with what we have.
Also, practice contentment instead of always wanting more (or better) things.
When you do invest, the KEY is to DIVERSIFY. You want to find just the right investment mix (asset allocation). Do not put all of your money into one stock/investment; that is too RISKY. Also, do not buy into all the advertising. You want to have about 30-50 different investments and they just have to be above average investments.
If you have more questions or are interested in working with a financial planner, I will be posting our speaker's contact info on our Facebook group's timeline.
Be Safe
On October 7th, our speaker shared tips on handling certain crisis situations. He told us that we should think through some of these possible scenarios so that we can be prepared and don't feel helpless if we find ourselves in one of these situations.
Preparing for a crisis does not mean that you don't trust God.
God grants us victory over crisis, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't prepare.
The 3 scenarios we looked at were: Car plunging into water, pandemics, and active shooter
1) Car Plunges Into Water
Step 1: Remain Calm - which won't be easy to do ;)
IF window is above water line, open it and get out.
Step 1.5: Manage the Freakout
Step 2: Breathe......A LOT
Step 3: Take off seat belt (which will be harder to do than you think) and grab kids if you can
Step 4: Wait until water fills the car to approx. 1/2 way up the door
Open the door
Kick for the surface
(follow the bubbles to know which way is up)
2) Pandemic
Preparation: Have 2 weeks worth of food on hand: rice, canned goods, jugs of water
Medical Supplies: face masks, gloves, gowns
Step 1: Vigilance
WATCH THE NEWS and understand the situation
Step 2: Early Preparation
Stock up early; don't wait too long
Step 3: Avoidance
Act like a germ-a-phobe (wash hands)
Stay home (no contact with others)
The KEY to surviving a pandemic is NOT avoiding the illness.....it's avoiding the illness for LONG ENOUGH. People who contract the illness very early on or towards the end of the pandemic will have better access to medical care and the best chance of survival.
3) Active Shooter
Step 1: Run
If you can safely get out of the building/situation, do so! Once you are in a safe place, call 911 and keep others from entering the building/situation.
Step 2: Hide
Get to a safe hiding spot, silence your phone, turn out the lights, and be calm.
Step 3: Fight
Act with aggression
Improvise weapons
COMMIT to your plan.
ACTION always beats REACTION!!!
These tips should help us be prepared if we ever find ourselves in one of these situations. But in all circumstances, remember, GOD is in control!!
Philippians 4:6
Preparing for a crisis does not mean that you don't trust God.
God grants us victory over crisis, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't prepare.
The 3 scenarios we looked at were: Car plunging into water, pandemics, and active shooter
1) Car Plunges Into Water
Step 1: Remain Calm - which won't be easy to do ;)
IF window is above water line, open it and get out.
Step 1.5: Manage the Freakout
Step 2: Breathe......A LOT
Step 3: Take off seat belt (which will be harder to do than you think) and grab kids if you can
Step 4: Wait until water fills the car to approx. 1/2 way up the door
Open the door
Kick for the surface
(follow the bubbles to know which way is up)
2) Pandemic
Preparation: Have 2 weeks worth of food on hand: rice, canned goods, jugs of water
Medical Supplies: face masks, gloves, gowns
Step 1: Vigilance
WATCH THE NEWS and understand the situation
Step 2: Early Preparation
Stock up early; don't wait too long
Step 3: Avoidance
Act like a germ-a-phobe (wash hands)
Stay home (no contact with others)
The KEY to surviving a pandemic is NOT avoiding the illness.....it's avoiding the illness for LONG ENOUGH. People who contract the illness very early on or towards the end of the pandemic will have better access to medical care and the best chance of survival.
3) Active Shooter
Step 1: Run
If you can safely get out of the building/situation, do so! Once you are in a safe place, call 911 and keep others from entering the building/situation.
Step 2: Hide
Get to a safe hiding spot, silence your phone, turn out the lights, and be calm.
Step 3: Fight
Act with aggression
Improvise weapons
COMMIT to your plan.
ACTION always beats REACTION!!!
These tips should help us be prepared if we ever find ourselves in one of these situations. But in all circumstances, remember, GOD is in control!!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6
Renew. Be True. Be You.
Registration is NOW OPEN for the 2014/2015 season. Our Kick-Off meeting will take place on September 16th. We have LOTS of great speakers/topics lined up and MANY fun activities planned for this year! Invite your friends, neighbors, and other moms that might be interested in joining us.
Click HERE to register!!
Click HERE to register!!
Summer Fun Ideas
Well, school is ALMOST out for the summer! Are you wondering what you are going to do with all of your kiddos at home? Or have you already made out your "summer bucket list"? Today's speaker had some great ideas for summer fun!!
Here are just some ideas to help you plan an AMAZING summer:
Here are just some ideas to help you plan an AMAZING summer:
- Go to the Zoo
- Go on a picnic
- Road Trip
- Catch Fire Flies
- Go out for ice cream
- Join the library's summer reading club
- Check out some live, outdoor music
- Decorate your bikes with streamers, crepe paper, and straws on the spokes
- Host a neighborhood art show
- Make/Play with Sponge bombs (see video)
- Go Bowling
- Look into your city's Park and Rec programs
- Discovery Days
- Go to a movie
- Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt
- Visit a local state park
- Go to the Farmer's Market
- Cook/Bake together
- Perform a Random Act of Kindness
- pick up trash in the neighborhood
- invite a new friend over for a play date
- bring extra bubbles (or games) to the park to share with other kids
- Write messages with sidewalk chalk to brighten someone's day
If you would like to hear more ideas from our speaker, click HERE!
Enjoy your summer!!!
Appreciating Your Child's Uniqueness
On Tuesday, our speaker shared about personality types/differences and how to parent our children with their unique personalities in mind. To listen to the talk, please click HERE. It's fascinating!!!
Easter Celebration: Redemption
At our April 15th meeting, we celebrated Easter together.
Our amazing leadership team blessed us with a powerful "hand mime" performance. You can watch a video (of the dress rehearsal) by clicking HERE.
Our speaker was Shanthini Baskaran and she shared God's big story of redemption. What a very powerful and fitting Easter message!! You can listen to Shanthini's talk HERE (audio starts at the :45 second mark).
We only have 2 more MOI meetings left before our "summer break".......so you don't want to miss our next meeting on May 6th. Hope to see you there!
Our amazing leadership team blessed us with a powerful "hand mime" performance. You can watch a video (of the dress rehearsal) by clicking HERE.
Our speaker was Shanthini Baskaran and she shared God's big story of redemption. What a very powerful and fitting Easter message!! You can listen to Shanthini's talk HERE (audio starts at the :45 second mark).
We only have 2 more MOI meetings left before our "summer break".......so you don't want to miss our next meeting on May 6th. Hope to see you there!
Differences in Marriage
Today, the Robertson's shared some thoughts on marriage. They shared about God's original design for our marriages and how things changed due to "the fall"/man's sinful choice. Man's sinful choice in the Garden of Eden set up the struggles and conflicts that we face in marriage today. You can listen to today's talk, by clicking HERE.
Here are some key points from a hand out we received at the end of today's talk:
3 Skills for HEALTHY Relationships:
1. Speak Up: Say what you want and be assertive
2. Listen with empathy and care
3. Negotiate: Find solutions to problems that work for US
Steps for Problem Solving:
1. Clearly define the problem
2. Write the result you want. If the problem were solved, what would be different.
3. Together, list ALL possible solutions to get the result.
4. Review the list together and choose one you both think will work.
5. Each decides what they will do to contribute to making the solution work and commits to doing it.
6. Follow-up in a couple of weeks to see how it is working.
Here are some key points from a hand out we received at the end of today's talk:
3 Skills for HEALTHY Relationships:
1. Speak Up: Say what you want and be assertive
2. Listen with empathy and care
3. Negotiate: Find solutions to problems that work for US
Steps for Problem Solving:
1. Clearly define the problem
2. Write the result you want. If the problem were solved, what would be different.
3. Together, list ALL possible solutions to get the result.
4. Review the list together and choose one you both think will work.
5. Each decides what they will do to contribute to making the solution work and commits to doing it.
6. Follow-up in a couple of weeks to see how it is working.
E is for Entitlement (Raising Thankful Children in a "Me" Generation)
Our speaker today was Laura Sandretti and she gave us some VERY practical tips for raising thankful children. She started by telling us that everything would fall under the "umbrella" topics of EDUCATING and EMPOWERING our kids. She also challenged us to parent our kids "with the end in mind" so that they will grow up to be grateful adults and not be set up for a lifetime of frustration and disappointment.
The 6 main points she addressed were:
1) E is for Eating: eat mini portions, eat half, "every good & perfect gift....", expedition, and exceptions
2) E is for Effort: every job can be fun, eyeballs are for using
3) E is for Earnings: earning is optional, ease up on gifts, extras are theirs, encourage prayer
4) E is for Entertainment: equip them for school, everything in NOT about their perfect life
5) E is for Every Word Matters: use words that foster gratitude and thankfulness
6) E is for Example: Phillipians 2:14-16
If you would like to hear Laura's message about Entitlement, click HERE.
The 6 main points she addressed were:
1) E is for Eating: eat mini portions, eat half, "every good & perfect gift....", expedition, and exceptions
2) E is for Effort: every job can be fun, eyeballs are for using
3) E is for Earnings: earning is optional, ease up on gifts, extras are theirs, encourage prayer
4) E is for Entertainment: equip them for school, everything in NOT about their perfect life
5) E is for Every Word Matters: use words that foster gratitude and thankfulness
6) E is for Example: Phillipians 2:14-16
If you would like to hear Laura's message about Entitlement, click HERE.
Overcoming Setbacks and Finding Hope
Wow!! What an inspiring morning at MOI! Our speaker, Adriana Hayes, shared her personal story of living with spina bifida and undergoing countless surgeries and procedures. Through all of her struggles/setbacks, she has learned to put her HOPE in God!! If you would like to hear Adriana's story, click HERE. You can also follow Adriana's journey (and read details about her upcoming surgery/recovery), on her Caring Bridge page.
A Love That Has No Limits
At our last meeting, Kim Mundinger shared about how her family has grown through international adoption. Click HERE to listen to her beautiful story!
January 21st: Mom's SPA Day
Mark your calendars, ladies! After a LONG break, MOI will meet again on January 21st....and you WON'T want to miss this one! Bring a friend and join us for a fun, relaxing morning of pampering!!
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