At our Christmas brunch today, we focused on the joy of this season and an amazing, biblical Woman of Influence, Mary (mother of Jesus). We met up in the sanctuary and enjoyed the beautiful winter wonderland "set" on the stage and a Christmas Carol sing-a-long. Then, Beth offered a special reading of the Christmas story through Mary's eyes, which was followed by a powerful and moving video (featuring the song "Born in Me", sung by Francesca Battistelli).
Connie Boerner spoke and her message centered on the invitations we receive and the rsvps we make during the holiday season. Drawing comparisons, she explained Jesus does not send invitations, but instead works in mysterious ways. He speaks to us through the manager scene and is asking our hearts to be a Bethlehem for him. As we celebrate Jesus' birth, who He is and why he came, He is inviting us to walk with Him.
What are we going to do with His invitation?
Will we rsvp and trust Him with our lives?
Because Mary said yes to God's invitation, we are here today. As we celebrate this Christmas season, let's remember why we are celebrating!
If you'd like to watch the video shared during the meeting, click here:
Our next meeting will be on January 17th. Lisa Sinclair will speak on Attentiveness: Women's Self Care. We hope to see you there!
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!