Today's meeting focused on the topic of Friendship! Our speakers, who also happen to be close friends, spoke on the "Value of Friendships". They gave valuable advice about why friendships are important, what friendships need, and how to find friends.
Why Invest in Friendships?
- Good for your husband
- Good for YOU!!
- Good for your kids (model friendship to them; get refreshed/renewed by time with friends)
What Friendships Need:
2 cups of Laughter, 1 Handful of Loyalty (gossip will destroy relationships), 1 Heart full of Love, a Dash of Understanding, 3 Cups of Patience (you can respect each other w/out agreeing on everything. Allow friends to make personal choices that might be different from yours; you can learn from each other)
Finding Friends:
- Seek out Mentors
- Pray for godly friends
- Join mommy groups/play groups
- look around you at the people you spend time with every day (neighbors, co-workers, etc)
- continue making friends throughout life, no matter what your age. You may find that you make new/different friends based on the "season of life" you are in.
After our speakers were done, we heard the story of Ruth, whose name means "friendship". Then we dismissed to our discussion group time. We finished the morning with a picnic lunch the kids could play and the moms could spend time forming and/or "growing" friendships with their fellow Moms of Influence moms.
See you in two weeks, when we will hear about instilling values in our kids!!