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Great Opportunity!!

Here is a great opportunity for all of can subscribe to Focus on the Family's Thriving Family Magazine for FREE!!  I currently subscribe to this magazine and LOVE it!  There are so many great articles about faith, parenting (all different ages/stages), and family issues.  If you are interested in learning more or signing up to receive this magazine for free, click HERE.  Enjoy!!

May 17: Chlorine: The Sweet Smell of Summer Ideas

Hard to believe, but today was our last MOPS meeting of the 2010-2011 "season".  It was a fun-filled and busy morning!  We honored our "graduates" with a short ceremony and small gifts (a mop, poem, and Kit-Kat bar).  It is always so bittersweet to see our friends "graduate" from our group and move into this next phase (school-aged kids) of motherhood.  We also took time to thank our wonderful leadership/steering team and MOPPETS workers.  These amazing women are a vital part of our program and our meetings just wouldn't happen without all of their hard work!
Our speaker, one of our fellow MOPS moms, shared some great ideas for things to do with our children this summer.  She broke her talk into four sections: Things To Expect, Things To Do, Things To Play, and Things To Be.

1) Things to Expect:
     messy home, more laundry, bathing bonanza (summer time = MORE baths), changing plans, weather, fatigue, and differences (interests/abilities) from year to year

2)Things to Do:
     4 Free - library, parades, parks, concerts, read, cook, craft, hike, picnic, paint,k journal, campfire
     4 Fee - Summer School, Rec classes, swim, movies @ theater, zoo, Breakfast on the Farm, museums, fairs/festivals, Vacation Bible School

3)Things to Play:
    old school playground games, relay races, treasure hunts, tabletop Olympics, marble raceways (build and then play with), paper play (hats, boats, airplanes, origami)

4) Things to Be:
     organized, flexible, routine, random, fun, creative, instructive, balanced, holy

Have a fabulous summer, enjoy some time with your kiddos/family, and see you in September for the Moms of Influence kick-off!!  Bring a friend too!

May 3: Krypton: Supermom: Let Me Hold You Longer

Today was our Mother's Day Brunch/Invite-Your-Mom meeting.  We had a wonderful morning together reflecting on the awesome privilege and responsibility of motherhood!  It was nice to have so many of our moms/mother-in laws join us this morning as well.  In addition to some extra door prizes and special gifts for our guests, we also had a craft sale (to clear out some of the old craft supplies in our cabinets) and mixed up some homemade body scrubs using Epsom salts, olive oil, and essential oils (which were then poured into decorated baby food jars). 

The topic of our talk this morning was "Let Me Hold You Longer" and our speaker used some excerpts from that book mixed with personal stories and photos to inspire and encourage us all.  She started by reminding us that motherhood is a priceless gift as well as an unrelenting responsibility.  At times we may get too caught up in the 3 D's of mothering: Dishes, Diapers, and Dust.  We need to remember that this season of our lives will go by too quickly and before we know it the kids will be grown. 
In the moments when we are stressed out, exhausted, and frustrated, we need to rest in God and cast our cares upon Him.  We should be alert to the many lessons that our children can teach us.

Also, we should try not to lose sight of what is real and what is important:
1) Everyday celebrate at least 1 thing; don't just wait for big events.  Celebrate the wonder of your family.....have a special meal, sing a silly song, dance around the house, etc.
2) Maintain Perspective: in the quiet moments of the day (like when the kids are asleep), we are reminded of our priorities and purpose as a mom.  Our job, leading our kids to God, is an eternal one!
3) Remember and capture the moments - take LOTS of pictures, keep a journal
4) Pray: Here is a wonderful prayer that our speaker shared with us today...

             Lord, give me the patience when wee hands
             Tug at me with their small demands
             Give me gentle and smiling eyes;
             Keep my lips from hasty replies.
             Let not weariness, confusion, or noise
             Obscure my vision of life's fleeting joys.
             So, when in years to come, my house is still
             No bitter memories its rooms may fill.

Mothering is a journey; every "last" is leading to another "first".  As our kids grow, and eventually move on to other things, parenting DOESN'T just looks different.  

On those days, when you are overwhelmed with your responsibilities as a mother, keep this verse in mind:

Isaiah 41:13
For I hold you by your right hand—
      I, the Lord your God.
   And I say to you,
      ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.