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Julie Barnhill: She's Gonna Blow, Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger

Instead of the usual speaker, we did something a little out of the ordinary at our most recent MOPS meeting.  We enjoyed a one-hour video featuring Julie Barnhill, author of She's Gonna Blow! Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger

Julie offered humor and touched on practical strategies for coping with the anger that sometimes surfaces when dealing with our children.   She reminded all of us that we are not alone as moms and as moms dealing with anger.

Based primarily on her own struggles, failures and successes in dealing with her children and her anger, Julie shared the lessons she has learned in raising her kids.  In the video, she described various types of anger eruptions, comparing them to different types of volcanoes.  She used her anecdotes to remind moms that we all struggle and deal with anger differently, but we need to keep ourselves in check and find healthier ways of expressing anger.  Anger is a natural human emotion, but if left unchecked, it can damage or even destroy the spirit of our children.  If as moms we are to be a role model and example of God's love and grace to our children, we must be more positive and realize we cannot do everything ourselves, no matter how good we are at multitasking! 

Julie challenged moms to let go of those control issues, draw closer to God, and to remember our children really are a blessing.