We had a great time together this morning preparing for and celebrating the Easter season! We started our morning with a reading of the children's book, "Parable of the Lily". For our craft project, we decorated terra cotta flower pots using paint, ribbons, buttons, etc and all got to take home a lily bulb to plant in our yards this spring!
Our speaker shared a wonderful message about God's grace and forgiveness! She defined grace as "freely given, unmerited favor and love of God" and forgiveness as "the act of forgiving; ceasing to feel resentment towards an offender; pardon". She shared that we all have the same need: to be forgiven and receive grace. She went on to share her very personal story of pain, grief, and ultimately grace! She shared with us that God wants to walk with us, promises to never leave or forsake us, and wants to redeem our stories too! If we are struggling with forgiving others in our lives, we need to take the next step and ask God to help us forgive and give grace to our offender(s). She reminded us that no one is more worthy of God's grace/forgiveness than anyone else. We have ALL sinned and need forgiveness/grace! God loves everyone, even your "offender", and longs for relationship with all people.
Finally, she shared that grace is FREE to US, but not to Him - it cost Christ his life! By God's grace we have been forgiven and by His grace we can forgive!!
Have a joyous, Happy Easter! See you on Tuesday, April 20th!!!