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February 16 - Satellite; Earth to Somewhere: Communication in Marriage

We started the morning making no-sew fleece blankets for Joy House. As a group, we were able to donate about 14 large and 14 small/cuddle blankets for the adults and children at Joy House. Thank you all for your creativity and hard work....the blankets looked great and will be a blessing to the residents!!!
Our speaker, Elizabeth Murphy, shared on the topic of Communication in Marriage, focusing on "Reading the Signals". The signals she talked about included silent, stolen, small, steady, stretched, and spiritual.
Silent Signals - our body language, tone, and attitude towards our family can say so much more than words. So, we need to figure out what triggers our moods/anger/silent signals and watch out for those triggers. Also, we need to be honest with our spouse and family about when we are feeling the pressure and stress building up, causing us to communicate with these silent signals.
Stolen Signals - So often we try to do what we see other people doing. We read a book, watch a video, or attend a marriage seminar and try to apply the material to our marriage without "personalizing" it. This won't work since we are all in different situations and can't compare our marriages to others. Elizabeth advised us not to compare and to ask God how he would have us use the stolen signals/tools (books, seminars, etc) given to us.
Small Signals - the little things that mean something to our spouse such as putting the laundry down the chute or making the bed. These things say "I can do this for you because I love you". If there is something you would like your spouse to do for you, explain why it is important to you and how it makes you feel when it is or isn't done.
Steady Signals - the day to day "rituals" in our relationships, such as making coffee or bringing in the paper every morning, regular date nights, etc. These are things you can count on and they set a good foundation/environment for communication.
Stretched Signals - These are the signals we send out when we are stressed out or under pressure. If you build a good foundation before you find yourself stretched, you will have a good pattern for communication in your relationship.
Spiritual Signals - Pray for each other! This will keep you "knit together" even when you are apart. One good question to ask your spouse is "What can I pray for you?" Elizabeth also suggested sitting down with each other, sharing prayer requests, and then praying together!

Elizabeth's Suggested Book List:
"The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman
"Now You're Speaking My Language" by Gary Chapman
"The Man Whisperer" by Rick Johnson
"Men are Like Waffles, Women are Like Spaghetti" by Bill and Pam Farrell