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Be Savvy

Today's speaker, a financial planner, helped us gain some perspective on money and how to plan for our future.

We learned that stewardship is how we relate to the time, talents, and treasures that God has blessed us with. And that money is only a TOOL to accomplish the things that are truly important.

The number one tip for financial planning is to:

Investing is a long term goal/plan.
 It is not a game/hobby/competition to be won.

We need to keep the long term goal in mind.  There may be "bumps" and detours along the way.  Just keep asking: "Are we making progress towards our GOAL?"

We should consider what God is asking us to do with what we have.

Also, practice contentment instead of always wanting more (or better) things.

When you do invest, the KEY is to DIVERSIFY.  You want to find just the right investment mix (asset allocation).  Do not put all of your money into one stock/investment; that is too RISKY.  Also, do not buy into all the advertising.  You want to have about 30-50 different investments and they just have to be above average investments.

If you have more questions or are interested in working with a financial planner, I will be posting our speaker's contact info on our Facebook group's timeline.

Be Safe

On October 7th, our speaker shared tips on handling certain crisis situations.  He told us that we should think through some of these possible scenarios so that we can be prepared and don't feel helpless if we find ourselves in one of these situations.
Preparing for a crisis does not mean that you don't trust God.
God grants us victory over crisis, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't prepare.

The 3 scenarios we looked at were: Car plunging into water, pandemics, and active shooter

1) Car Plunges Into Water
     Step 1: Remain Calm - which won't be easy to do ;)
       IF window is above water line, open it and get out.
      Step 1.5: Manage the Freakout
      Step 2: Breathe......A LOT
      Step 3: Take off seat belt (which will be harder to do than you think) and grab kids if you can
      Step 4: Wait until water fills the car to approx. 1/2 way up the door
           Open the door
           Kick for the surface
             (follow the bubbles to know which way is up)

2) Pandemic
      Preparation: Have 2 weeks worth of food on hand: rice, canned goods, jugs of water
      Medical Supplies: face masks, gloves, gowns
       Step 1: Vigilance
        WATCH THE NEWS and understand the situation
       Step 2: Early Preparation
         Stock up early; don't wait too long
       Step 3: Avoidance
          Act like a germ-a-phobe (wash hands)
          Stay home (no contact with others)
        The KEY to surviving a pandemic is NOT avoiding the's avoiding the illness for LONG ENOUGH.  People who contract the illness very early on or towards the end of the pandemic will have better access to medical care and the best chance of survival. 

3) Active Shooter
       Step 1: Run
           If you can safely get out of the building/situation, do so! Once you are in a safe place, call 911 and keep others from entering the building/situation.
       Step 2:  Hide
            Get to a safe hiding spot, silence your phone, turn out the lights, and be calm.
       Step 3: Fight
             Act with aggression
             Improvise weapons
            COMMIT to your plan.
            ACTION always beats REACTION!!!

These tips should help us be prepared if we ever find ourselves in one of these situations.  But in all circumstances, remember, GOD is in control!!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  

Philippians 4:6