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January 17: Attentiveness: Women's Self Care

Lisa Sinclair, a family nurse practitioner working in psychiatric urgent care at the VA, spoke on women's health and gave us a step by step way to approach our self care.

1. Adopt a focused living approach by looking at the chapters in our life and asking ourselves the following: what were the greatest highs, what were the greatest lows and using it to trace what God has been doing in our life.  This will help identify our life's purpose or our "biblical purpose" statement.

2. Determine the main spheres of influence in our life.  Ex: Social interpersonal, emotional, physical, financial, vocational and intellectual.  What are our roles within each sphere?  Are they in balance? 

3.  Determine our main life values.

4.  Prayerfully construct goals for 2012 that come out of our purpose and values, according to our spheres of influence.

5.  Take time to attend to these throughout the year by setting aside 1 hr/wk, 1 day/mo or 1 weekend/year.  She also suggested doing an annual review to see where we are at in our life and then make the necessary adjustments.

6.  Establish a daily to-do list. and declutter books by Peter Walsh are great resources.

Lastly, Lisa suggested ways we could eliminate stress in our life by doing the following:
simplify, declutter (turn off tv, computer, deaccumulate), find balance and abide in the Lord.

After Lisa spoke, we learned how to recycle the covers of old Christmas cards to create new ones for upcoming years.  We also put together Valentine's Day gift bags for the women at the Joy House.

Elizabeth Murphy will be speaking at our next meeting on February 7th.  The topic will be "Forgiveness: Mommy Guilt."